Looking for contact?
Your property manager is always your first point of contact. They can help you with any questions or possible problems and, if necessary, will also engage technical services.
Still can’t figure it out and there’s a problem the administrator can’t help you with? Or are you dissatisfied? If so, we’d love to hear from you. You can then contact our service desk.
Send something by mail? Our address is: Blaak 555, 16th floor, 3011GB Rotterdam.
How does our service desk work?
You will receive confirmation of receipt from our customer value coordinator as soon as possible.
Proposed Solution
Often a question is easily and quickly answered. But sometimes something really needs to be solved and more time and attention is needed. Either way, our customer value coordinator aims to provide you with a proper response within about 2 weeks. Should that not be feasible, we will of course let you know very soon as well. In any case, we will keep in touch.
Complaint handling
Even in the case of complaints, we look for a good solution. When we have agreed on the solution we will always formally confirm that to you as well.
In conclusion
Thanks for all your input! That will make us better and wiser!